Survival for the poor:
People living in poverty are vulnerable to climate change because they have few assets to help them avoid or recover from a shock event. It is very difficult for people to adapt their livelihoods if they have no capital to cover the costs and little influence over the institutions that control their access to resources. They are further hindered by poor access to new knowledge or opportunities for learning new skills. Being in poverty means, therefore, being exposed to sudden weather-related disaster events and, when one happens, people in these situations are often unable to replace or repair damaged property because they have little savings and no access to credit.
Dependence on natural resources:
People in rural communities generate most of their income from farming, fishing, or livestock rearing and, therefore, rely on the natural resources available to them. Any changes in rainfall levels, soil fertility, temperature, plant coverage or water-levels can have devastating consequences for their livelihoods.
Living in the most dangerous areas
Throughout the developed world it is usually the poorest that are forced to live in the most dangerous and marginalised areas. These are places where no one else will live because they are too risky. This is a problem in Bangladesh, Coastal areas of India Maldives etc.... where population size and competition for land push poor people into areas that are regularly flooded or receding through riverbank erosion.
Despite these vulnerabilities, people have developed ways to live in severe circumstances. They already have the knowledge and techniques to survive in harsh conditions, but, as climate change intensifies the challenges beyond their experience, coordinated adaptation support is needed to protect people’s livelihoods and their right to develop. Unless the respective actions are taken, Our world will end sooner than expected!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ajith Bsc MBA
For an under developed world, this article is a pharos. How to solve this problem sir? Please suggest concrete solution to this menace.....
We the people should solve this grave menace because we are the ones must take the initiative further, then the rest will follow......
Throughout the developed world it is usually the poorest that are forced to live in the most dangerous and marginalised areas./////
tat is one bitter fact
Unless the respective actions are taken, Our world will end sooner than expected!!!!!!!!!!!///
action???? nobody is gonna take.. the ones who want a change (peopl like yo and me) are just expressing out sourness of the situation through words....
It is indeed a pleasure for me to hear that there is someone who is expressing their view explicitly... These smaller initiatives are needed for this hour...
It's like a subtle reality... every one knows about it... but nobody talk's about it ... I wish there was a much better acknowledged medium to express these explicit emotions so that they could be prominently bring to people's notice .... your post is strong ... and about the poor people... they live in these oplaces because they are not accepted in the places we live in and even if they would be accepted ... there life would not be any different from what life they are living in place like the one you mentioned... good writing
welcome ritz atleast u people have the time to read and express explicit views...
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