Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Unholy nexus between dynasties & Lobbyist

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Pictures alone reveal the nexus between pseudo secularists & lobbyists....   

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Hard questions against the hardcore muslim fanatics !!

Though i had a innumerable Muslim friends since my childhood, i had an intriguing question swamping underneath my heart.. ie) why most religious problems are associated with Islam... I found that this religion was intolerable to the outsiders & inhospitable to other religion. Afghanistan brought down thousands of years old Buddha statue which was not built by destroying any pre-existing structure. I doubt if anyone in the muslim world raised any voice condemning it. When in India, the Babri masid which was built after destroying a pre-existing structure, so much hue and cry was made.ll countries with major Islamic population are going fanatic. See Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's country, who looked west for its secularism, today under Recep Erdogan rule became Islamic fanatic. They want their women to wear veil whereas the men themselves wear tie and suit:) Let them wear cubba too like Komeyni.

Islam is the most respected but most ridiculous concept. I will be called a lunatic if I tell people that all people wearing brown shoes on Saturday should unite for destroying people who were black shoes on Monday. But if someone declares that all people who pray 5 times to an imaginary master should open fire against people who believe in another imaginary master, you call him a religious leader. And to add a side note : I call their followers stupid. You cannot be intelligent and religious. You can be religious only when you have less than standard IQ of a human being. The form that islam is developing into, its going to be no less than the Nazis and every non-muslim community has to save itself from them

Fine example of how to curb terrorism: 

            whenever the Hezbollah terrorists kill one or two Israel soldiers, the next day Israel will launch a full scale counter attack on them. That is the kind of aggressiveness a country needs, if it wants the patriotism and toughness to stay alive in every heart of the citizen. Today those Hezbollah terrorists would think twice before planning any attack on Israel, because they are frightened to death....

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

monarchisation of Indian democracy

India is a land of elections. Before it used to be farmers but also the country changes the rules of creation, this principle go via India to become the country's elections are the country's leaders sat. Do not know about that word choice, for their information are told that two words including word choice is made, choose and boat. Election process under the public picks a leader Rupie boat to get across the Styx to develop public.
Elections in India's history goes back. Well everything old is only the history but the history of elections need more than old. Before the kings and emperors ruled the country at that time elections were. King and Emperor of people as the future ruler of his sons were put to choose. For example, King Dashrath had chosen his eldest son Shri Ram so they can sit on the throne.
By kings and emperors of the people in the electoral process that was not a roll. When India gets independence from British raj in 1947, the new dawn begins in electing leaders too. Country since independence, culminating in the public a chance to participate in the electoral process, begun to. Leaders and the public, both were free. People enjoyed the freedom to vote and vote for the leader to take. Vote transaction is to choose the name of the same process that the status of democracy to Mentoen helps.
New face of Indian democracy is hypocrisy :

Would change this fact to prove the 1950s began with a political program that was established over time as cultural programs.
By the mid seventies were the elections in India every five years. These were the days when people were seen waiting impatiently for elections. After waiting impatiently to the public philosophy of the election were sorely. At intervals of five years when the elections were over the public tended to be unhappy. As - As time passed, the public felt the pain of the miserable living leaders election only once in five years was in the interest of the country nor in the public interest. By vote only once in five years that miserable pleasure to give the public the same way that increased the frequency of elections.
The result of such thinking leaders that the leaders began making plans to topple the government by stopping without elections - would be password. As a result the public not only states but also in the center was the vision of fallen governments.
Until the nineties people used their votes to choose only leaders so they can be made ruler. Until thenOnly governments and leaders to make sport of choice and played for was the spoiler. Busy people to vote and to hear the speech of that awareness did not come in their ability to vote with them with tax and its increasing ability to bear price rise hit the makers of TV serials was the look. The result was that these people public Indian Idol, Star Voice of India and give little weight to put the choice of masters.
The "SO" leaders people money to get the vote of the people, wine and bar. Those same people make such a program the voting forced by money. By vote to spend public money to be happy and engaged.

Some election experts believe that history repeats himself, while the value of the principle of the Documentary of the election process is now complete. Experts say that means that today's leaders have become like old time kings and their sons - daughters take to appoint his successor. It is opposed to the idea that the leaders son of experts - to win the public vote would have to daughters, so today's leaders as kings and emperors of ancient times believed democracy has taken a new dimension.
Indian elections, the country now - quite recognizable abroad - has been received. Democracy and political experts believe some native to the country's strength should be elections. Recently a few seasons - the scribes the heat, rain, and with a cold - with the election season is accepted as a new season. TV news channel war and struggle by those elections is accepted as synonyms. Battleground polls by some news channels have started to say. Given the popularity polls and increasing the country's largest business houses by market "election experts" to make the SEZ is proposed to open.
Overall can be said that the Indian election is the world's best choice Because in the name of democracy monarchy was set upped in each and every state, I am serving the best for last . Alas!!!! how i forgot 10 janpath, because it is the place where all gets started in "NAV BHARATH"

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Dont worry guys NASA will take care

Movies love to depict the end of the world. Some, such as "2012", present rather unrealistic scenarios while others, such as "Armageddon", although with scientific inconsistencies galore, describe a more likely picture. But worry not, the world is not going to end any time soon -- at least not because of an asteroid impact.
NASA astronomers are keeping a sharp eye on the sky to map the orbits of nearby asteroids to reassure us that none of them is going to hit the earth in the next few decades. In the event that astronomers do find a potentially destructive asteroid coming our way, a few deflection mechanisms have even been considered. What is needed is to go from the paper to space to make sure these mechanisms work. But even that seems to be on its way.
Asteroids are small rocky bodies that orbit the Sun much like the earth and other planets do. Professional and amateur telescopes map the skies every night in search of these space rocks. Because astronomers understand exactly what physical laws govern the motion of these bodies, once they detect one, they need only a few observations to determine where and when it will be in the next few decades. Determining longer-term orbital paths is more complicated because, over time, the gravitational pull of nearby planets may alter the asteroids' orbits. But that is why NASA closely tracks the objects it finds.
If there is a large enough body at risk of colliding with the earth in the near future and causing serious damage, alarm bells will ring. The current research program is designed to find the objects that pass within 50 million kilometers of our planet, a third of the distance from the earth to the sun. Of these, an estimated 1,050 have diameters of a kilometer or more; an impact by such a large asteroid could have worldwide effects. Fortunately, of the 903 large objects found so far, none is expected to hit the earth any time soon.
But most of us are aware that large asteroids do sometimes hit our planet. The most famous example is the impact thought to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. The 15-kilometers-wide asteroid is believed to have released a billion times more energy than the Hiroshima atomic bomb upon impacting the earth at Chicxulub in Mexico.
Small asteroids may also cause damage, even if only at a local or regional level. In 1908, an asteroid a few tens of meters across hit central Siberia near the Tunguska river. The resulting explosion, roughly 1,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb, flattened around 2,000 square kilometers of forest. It is not believed to have claimed victims; humans were lucky enough that the collision occurred in a deserted area as opposed to a densely populated city where millions could have been wiped out.
Fortunately, these events are rare. On average, Tunguska-sized asteroids collide with the earth every 200 to 300 years, while catastrophic impacts similar to the Chicxulub event are much more infrequent. Still, the earth is not free from danger. While worldwide damage is unlikely, an impact capable of causing local or even regional damage is much less so.
That is when the "deflection team" would come to save us. Given a decade or so warning, current technology offers a few solutions to turn the hit into a miss. One of them consists in changing the asteroid's velocity by crashing large amounts of copper or lead into it. The closest astronomers got to testing this solution was when they crashed a spacecraft into a comet a few years ago. In that case the craft was too light and only negligible changes to the comet's orbit have been detected.
The nuclear-weapons option is also viable, but not quite in the "Armageddon" way. It consists in setting off a few nuclear weapons above the surface of the asteroid to slightly change its orbit while making sure the object is not fractured. The shell of material resultant from the explosion would hit the surface of the asteroid facing it. By expanding and blowing off, the shell would be expected to produce recoil on the asteroid, changing its speed ever so slightly. If this change were to act for several years, the orbital path of the asteroid could be altered enough to avoid collision with the earth. The more spectacular alternative of blowing up the asteroid, popular in the movies, wouldn't be as useful since the pieces from the explosion could still pose a threat.
While these options may work in theory, it is advisable to test them before they are actually needed to prevent a collision. But there is good news for those worried about future asteroid impacts.  "The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has just recommended to Congress that NASA begin preparing a deflection capacity". So it seems NASA may soon be testing these deflection technologies in space to make sure they will work if a collision needs to be avoided.
Some things are just like in the movies: the Americans are in the lead when it comes to saving the world from a catastrophe.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

An unbiased outlook on Kashmi crisis


In 1948, the United Nations created a resolution for the warring nations of India and Pakistan over the area of Kashmir that allowed for the people of Kashmir to join either nation. Pursuant to the resolution, the two nations were instructed to hold a vote in Kashmir but it was never carried out. As a result, the area was divided and ruled separately, harsh conflict has continued ever since.
            This dispute is symbolic of the “age old” Indo-Pakistani antagonism that has been pursued for centuries. The following positions hold sway still to this day: India wants to maintain the current Line of Control as border line; Pakistan refuses to acknowledge Indian jurisdiction in the area, and neither nation will accept total independence for Kashmir. Of course there is the argument that this dispute is just another battle in the secular war between Muslims and Hindus, but over time the issues has become much more political that religious.
For India, the Line of Control is an abomination, as they understand it, they are entitled to the whole of Kashmir. However, over time they have ceded to the compromise of accepting the Line of Control as an international boundary line but they refuse to give up even one more acre. One of their main concerns is that granting Kashmir any further autonomy would create a movement in other Indian controlled territories.
            For Pakistan, the Kashmir territory is a symbol of their national ethnicity and as such they feel compelled to protect Muslim interests against Hindu (Indian) aggression and attempted control. As Kashmir does have a majority of Muslims in its population, it is an extremely attractive territory for Pakistan. In summary, Kashmir itself is a symbol of the struggle for land, power and identity for the Muslims and Hindus of the Pakistan and India.
            The dispute over Kashmir has caused both governments of India and Pakistan to spend incredible amounts of money and resources to support their forces in the area.  Jammu and Kashmir is the area of the most extreme religious-based terrorism. Kashmiri militants have abuses including, “deliberate targeting of Kashmir Hindus by fundametalists, terrorists groups and foreign mercenaries.” ( In 2003, India and Pakistan began taking steps to ease the tensions in Kashmir by restoring roadways, railways and air links, and also observed a ceasefire along the Line of Control.
During 2004, the violence in the region slowed and both sides of the Line of Control continued their communication over the dispute although neither nation changed their respective positions on the matter. “In early 2005 India and Pakistan launched a landmark bus service across the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir, allowing families divided by the Line of Control to be reunited for the first time in nearly 60 years.”  After the earthquake in October of 2005, tensions between Pakistan and India slowed to accommodate the great number of displaced peoples and allow for the free movement of humanitarian aid among the region and to remote areas.
            In 2006, the President of Pakistan created a series of alternatives to the Kashmir dispute. He proposed the idea of a self-governance system for Kashmir. The Indian Foreign Ministry countered the President’s offer by stating that they would agree under the condition that the borders were rendered irrelevant. In 2009, after sixty long years of dispute over Kashmir, India still fails to completely control the area. One of the most significant reasons for this failure is due to Pakistan’s creation of an exclusivist Muslim identity that at one time did not exist in the region and now coupled with India’s own failures in their administration of the area—there is still extreme conflict in the area.
Here we are in the year 2010 and the crisis is more than critical. Even the United States has its stake in the outcome of this dispute. “Obama, who alarmed the Indian government last year by telling an interviewer that he might push for a special envoy to Kashmir…but this anger is unlikely to last. What will remain, however, is India’s resistance to international intervention in Kashmir.” “Stone-pelters”, a now common term for the rioters in Kashmir are regular figures in the cycle of demonstrations against Indian rule. “An incident sparks a surge in demonstrations. There are injuries and finally and teenager is killed, hit by a teargas canister or shot. The demonstrations turn to riots, then repression brings a fragile calm. Until another cycle starts.” There are now more than 80,000 people dead in addition to the everyday routine of arrests, curfews, raids and checkpoints enforced by the Indian military in response to Pakistani militant groups. Roughly one million troops have been amassed on both sides of the Line of Control in Kashmir, which lately has prompted international concerns of a nuclear war.

As for the international community, “India is a counterweight, at least in the fantasies of western strategists, to China.”  Obviously the United States especially is anxious for Pakistan and India to come to a resolution largely in part because it would allow for Pakistan to give more focus to the militancy along its shared border with Afghanistan. The settlement of the Kashmir crisis would indeed be a monumental milestone in the international community marking a great peace between two of the most contested nations.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Palladian evaluation of India's past and future

India , The name itself portrays its elegance and unique history like none other country . This nation is always a center of attraction for more than a two millennium. Through out the history one can easily found that India is the most sought country than any other. So well what seems to be intriguing fact is that “From a country which was thought as heaven around the world”, therefore they desperately need to have a relationship at any cost ie..spice trade, technology, education etc… But soon it elegance and charisma becomes the villain for its own cause… For the last 700 years till 1947 slowly the colour of her charisma and the perceptions tilted from desirable nation to exploited. From then on until 1990’s India was considered as an obnoxious overpopulated poor country with an approx GDP of around 3%. Nepotism, favoritism, corruption, bureaucracy grew with leaps and bounds. Dynasty politics overtook the democracy which is claimed to be!!!

Degaged growth:

     From 1990’s onwards inevitable reforms are imposed on her, GDP gained momentum from lukewarm to spectacular, at the same time problems are also increases virtually. Today India considered as a cheap labour state where MNC'S can suck their effort with low cost, What a transmission from a golden state to most ugliest state. Terrorism, weak leadership, opportunism, misplaced loyalty are the order of the day which are indeed the derivated products which India reaps..  According to nominal GDP Bharat is 11th economy in the world. If Purchasing power parity is taken into account, India's economy is 4th  in the world at US$3.561 trillion. From the above stats shows India is growing in a rapid pace which ultimately lead her in to a superpower. From missile tech to rocket we achieved which only a handful of countries done it before. But the HARD fact is divide between the rich and the poor increases ever than before which are irreversible. Corresponding to a per capita income, the country ranks 139th in nominal GDP per capita and 128th in GDP per capita at PPP. This shows the irreplenishable gap between the two.

Need of the hour:

     GOI should address the people’s grievances rigorously because frustration and inability are the strong cause for violence, Maoism etc.. Corruption should be monitored and kept under the control because bribery is a common phenomena which unifies this country eg, PWD, traffic control get corrupted from Jammu to cape comorin .  PM should be a leader rather than a right wing puppet economist. No leader shouldn’t given a chance to contest an election or post more than twice which provides opportunity to all. Desperately our trade & foreign policy should be revamped… Position on Tibet-Thalailama issue should be negated because it gonna lead us anywhere but china’s strategic help is very important. Well in Pakistan issue , we should follow the  paradigm of South korea and North Korea because relationship or trust cannot be erected with long term foes at least for short term. For other countries , India’s national interest should be the top priority therefore other countries vested interested on India can be nullified.

Finally the Gov should took war effort to save agriculture, because are moving away from unprofitable agri business to the other which is potentially disastrous. NREGS is not the only solution for Employment menace. More over India needs a vision not only in paper but also in reality. we need a leader likes Lee Kuan Yew Lee who can see the “country as a home not home as a country

Friday, 20 August 2010

Legacy of corruption

  At the time INDIA is waiting for a apt time to announce its arrival as a super power, at the time CONGRESS is announced as one of the richest political party in the world, at the same time India is announced as a place where this great nation has more poor and pitiable people than in AFRICA. What a shame when our country's GDP is approaching 9% . At the same time rollicking corruption charges were made against CWG committee which is supposed to be a flagship event for INDIA to showcase her power. No wonder in our country no high grade corrupt babus are punished. The legacy of corruption is the only one major phenomena where it cut it across all party lines from Congress to RJD, DMK to BSP. From  J&K to TN integrity is seen only is bribery and corruption.

Corruption in India is a consequence of the nexus between Bureaucracy, politics and criminals. India is now no longer considered a soft state. It has now become a consideration state where everything can be had for a consideration. Today, the number of ministers with an honest image can be counted on fingers. At one time, bribe was paid for getting wrong things done but now bribe is paid for getting right things done at right time. Our democracy is itself based on corruption and nepotism. This is not the democracy we longing for!!!!!!!

  Indian administration is tainted with scandals. India is among 55 of the 106 countries where corruption is rampant, according to the Corruption Perception Index 2004 Report released by Transparency International India. Corruption in India leads to promotion not prison. It is very difficult to catch big sharks. Corruption in India has wings not wheels. As nation grows, the corrupt also grow to invent new methods of cheating the government and public.

Corruption is a global problem that all countries of the world have to confront, solutions, however, can only be home grown. We have tolerated corruption for so long. The time has now come to root it out from its roots. We need people like  P.SAINATH to take the initiative and up the ante.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Some food for trading thoughts......

prognosticating share trading is a tricky business if have the prudence and diligence one can earn enormously in a very short span of time. Strategies and practices should go with one another. Following are Some of these little things which may be useful while homeworking.

  Low Price compared to Earnings: Stocks bought at low price-to-earnings ratio (i.e. price per share divided by net profit of the company per share) are cheaper than stocks bought at higher ratios of price-to-earnings. Almost all of my multi-baggers (stocks that multiplied in value) were purchased at a price/ earnings ratio of less than 15. Paying a low price for a stock in relation to its earnings, means you don’t overpay for growth in earnings of the company. So when growth does happen, it leads to a non-linear increase in the share price. This is particularly true when low price-to-earnings is accompanied by ‘high dividend yield’ and ‘low price-to-cash flow’.

Low Price compared to Book Value: Stocks priced at less than book-value can often be purchased on the assumption that, in time, their market price will reflect at least their stated book value (value of all assets in the balance sheet minus all liabilities). During a few rare occasions, I have also been able to find stocks selling at discounts to their current assets minus liabilities (i.e., cash and other assets which can be turned into cash within one year, minus liabilities) - a measure of the minimum liquidation value of the business. This was a stock selection technique successfully employed by the founder of the Value Investing concept - Benjamin Graham (the guru of Warren Buffett)

Significant purchases by Insiders: Managers, directors and promoters (referred to as Insiders) often buy their own company’s stock when it is depressed in relation to the estimated intrinsic value of the company. Insiders usually have special “insight” about the company and the industry, which they believe will result in an increase in the underlying value of the company. Often such insider buying happens in companies, whose stock is available at low price-to-earnings or at low price-to-book value. Using knowledge of insider purchases (available in exchange filings) along with fundamental stock evaluation criteria makes a powerful combination that’s hard to beat.

Significant decline in share price: A severe decline in share price is often accompanied by a decline in earnings of the company or earnings that failed to meet expectations. What most market participants fail to understand or anticipate - is the possibility of the company’s performance reverting to mean. More often than not, companies with a strong balance sheet (and promoter track record) but whose recent performance has been poor, tend to perk up and improve, generating tremendous returns to the contrarian investor who was bottom fishing.

Small market-capitalization: Most publicly traded companies are small in terms of their market capitalization (total number of shares multiplied by share price). In fact if you remove the top 100 firms (by size) from the stock market, the combined market capitalization of the others contributes only to a third of the overall market capitalization of all listed firms in the exchange. Small and mid-cap companies, if selected prudently, often display higher rates of growth and may be more easily acquired by larger corporations – providing a double benefit for shareholders who buy cheap.

Each of the above characteristic is loosely connected to the other. A confluence of all the above characteristics is a strong pointer to an undervalued stock that has potential to yield high returns.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Why Tamils are always in the loosing end??

I came across youtube and found this video really disturbing my conscience eventhough this video is nowhere relevant today.....

Please view the above video ....

If anyone believes in impartial justice , then they should justify this!!!!

Tamils betrayed in periyar dam issue by malayalees...

Tamils betrayed in kaveri issue by kannadigas...

Even telugus too unrest with us in water related dispute...

Tamils are deprived in north India.....

Now Tamils are even betrayed by own mafia karunanidhi gang.....

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Trading resources of mine !!

 There is nothing wrong in revealing the sources of wisdom because i don't wanna earn a name that i done it on my own because nobody in this world had league of their own. The great Einstein himself confess that he was heavily influenced by the greats such as Kepler, Newton etc... So i am no larger than Einstein.....

The following are the websites which i used to use for most of my trading purpose though there are still to uncover the non-mainstream sources  .

For sectors :






Mutual Fund:


Other Miscellaneous websites but useful some where are the other:

For PE data

There may be various aspects of finance yet to be covered, the present post mainly for trading purposes..

                                                                                                    __ Ajith Bsc MBA

Friday, 9 July 2010

Midas formula won't exist.. you know why?

I found this article very interesting in BBC's website. People may wonder why i choose this from that website, there underneath an intriguing information.  ie.. Our S&P CNX NIFTY was based on Black-Scholes model only. I hope this article enlighten our profound quest for KNOWLEDGE

This is the extraordinary story of a beautiful mathematical formula that changed the world, the financial markets, and indeed capitalism itself. It could do the unthinkable - it took the risk out of playing the money-markets. To its inventors it brought the Nobel Prize for economics. To those who used it, it brought great wealth. But this glittering tale would end in tragedy.
The Black Scholes formula was invented 36 years ago, by three young mathematicians. They had been trying to solve a problem that had plagued economists for centuries - how to counter the randomness of market forces and the irrationality of human behaviour that made the markets dangerously turbulent. Whilst pondering this dilemma, they made a remarkable discovery.
The search for a way to price option contracts began in earnest when the thesis of an unknown student named Louis Bachelier   was unearthed in the 1950s. Working at the beginning of this century, Bachelier had set out to do something no-one had ever done before - using a series of equations he created the first complete mathematical model of the markets. He had realised that stock prices moved at random and that it was impossible to make exact predictions about them, but Bachelier said he had also found a solution - through the pricing of a financial contract called an option.
The risk in the stock market is that if you buy a stock today the price can drop in the future and you could lose money but if you pay for an option contract this gives you the right to wait and buy the stock if it reaches some agreed price in the future, but there's no obligation. If the stock fails to reach that price you can opt out and you would lose only the cost of the option. In theory options are a perfect way to get rid of risk, but there was a problem. How much would someone pay for such absolute peace of mind?
 Bachelier believed that if someone could discover a formula that would allow option contracts to be widely used, they would be able to tame the markets completely, but he died before he could find it. By the end of the 60s, academics were no nearer to pricing options than they'd ever been. But all this was about to change when Myron Scholes and his colleague Fischer Black set out to tackle the problem of options…
At its simplest level, the Black Scholes formula could be used to hedge against losing any bet, by working out how to place another bet in the opposite direction. That way, you couldn't lose. The formula had the almost magical ability to allow you to make a fortune with the minimum of risk. But there was one problem. In the time it took to make the calculation, the fast moving markets had moved on and the calculation would effectively be out-of-date.
However, unbeknown to them, the problem had already been solved by a financial genius called Bob Merton. Using an idea taken from rocket science, the value of an option could now be constantly recalculated and the risk eliminated continually.    

Myron Scholes and Bob Merton joined forces with the greatest dealers on Wall Street, and started a legendary company - Long Term Capital Management (LTCM). Relying on mathematics, the company traded and borrowed on a scale never seen before. But the mathematical model was based on normal market behaviour and unforeseen events were about to send the markets wild. The calculations in LTCM's models became hopelessly out of kilter, and when the company collapsed in 1999, it nearly brought down the entire global economy. 

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Metatrader vs Amibroker

Though plenty of softwares are  available for stock markets, these two softwares are more famous than the others in Indian scenario. Here i present some of their characteristics and details about edge over the other...

1. Metatrader is complete brokerage complex with full back office back end
2. Metatrader can't be connected your Real time feed direct from client end and feed is always restricted to what your broker provides.
3. A good custom indicator support is there based on MQ4 and trader can opt same for development for automatic trading strategies directly in platform
4. Backtester and genetic optimization for optimization stuff
5. Simple and Free client end and very user friendly even in few hours of 1st look around platform
6. A neat and clear charting features suffice above average purposes.


1. Amibroker a decent charting package and you can't trade straight from Amibroker or process your orders
2. External datafeed can be connected via local databases and plugins, so leaves some choice for selection of feed the client wish
3. AFL based coding and back testing possible, but not sure how accurate is its backtester
4. Scanners avaliable
5. Simple and neat interface

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Before going demo to live account

Shifting from demo to live A/C is not an issue. But hasty decision may mar our account so before shifting please understand what we gonna need. For the following questions if u able to answer decisively, one can go ahead but if feeble YES or NO exist, just stay away and learn the tricks before you reenter. Because these things define you life....

  •  Have you tried trading different time frames?
  • Have you experimented with trading different styles?
  • Have you been trading on a regular basis for six months or longer?
  • Can you properly rationalize each trade you take?
  • Are your winning trades outweighing your losing trades over a long term?
  • Do you have a process for recording and reviewing your trades to improve performance?
  • Have you made adjustments in your trading system after becoming discontent with the outcome?
  • Are your winning trades outweighing your losing trades over a long term?

Of all forms of caution, caution in trading business is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.
                                                            -- Ajith Bsc MBA

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

why Nehru dynasty rated so high? Why rahul gandhi unfit for the job?

Rahul Gandhi, B.A. from Rollins College, Florida, M.Phil from Trinity College, Cambridge!!! Do u people have any idea about whom i am taking?? Ya the MP from Amethi, the only son of Sonia maino, AICC president. In last couple of years, Rahul is projected as a leader for the future. Most congress partymen are adumbrating Rahul as a erstwhile PM Rajiv. These phlegmatic views simply dilute the fact that, Is he really worth-able for PM? I had a loads of questions about him? Will he answer or his adherer can answer???

1) Can he give up his entire property including the KGB money to charities across India. Then start with CRY?
2) Will he leave 10, Janpath to slum. (Not staying for posterity ) ?
3) Will he marry a Dlit lady from a poverty throne (Dark skin preferable ) ?
4)  What will happen to his Spaniard Veronique ?
5) Does he possess the skill of a PM in waiting?

I dont think these questions are answered even by his staunch supporter... But most knew that Mr Rahul possess some great qualities which are supposed to inherited from his family. If u think that above line is correct, then you must be utterly wrong. Because these qualities( desire for money, power etc.. ) are attributed to MASLOW's need theory.

 Mr, Abraham Maslow describes that a man who satisfies his needs From basic, will pursue  Security , Social, self - esteem to self actualization. Therefore there is no wonder that Rahul attained the self actualization stage because their family stayed in power for almost five decades. They amassed  wealth as much as they need for gran grand grand grand son of Raihan Vadra. His naivety and blunders are well known especially with David Milliband. Medias are blindly following him, Even if he sniffs it was a news for them. He is riding the advantage where their ancestors deliberately leave it for him. But what irks me the most is nothing in the whole wide world can stop this neophyte of an incompetent politician becoming the PM of the country one day. It might be 2014 or 2019. but it will happen. That is the INDIA we live in. 
                                                              --- Ajith Bsc MBA

Friday, 21 May 2010

Factors to consider while buying a stock

1.     Make sure the stock is trading closer to the 52-week low than the high and also has upward momentum.
2.     Average volume should be around 50,000.
3.     The PE ratio should be somewhere between 1.0x and 10.0x.
4.     Earnings and cash flow per share should both be positive with positive growth over each quarter.
5.     There is no specific market cap to look for, just be aware of the risk/reward trade off of each size and their stability as well.  (Personally, all of my highest returns have come from mid caps.)
6.     Beta is much like the market cap, in that there is no specific beta to look for.  It just depends on risk tolerance.  However, if you have a longer time horizon to invest, I would recommend a higher beta and vice versa.
7.     Look for stocks that offer dividends.  Dividends are usually, but not always, a sign of good financial health.
8.     Look at the open interest on options chains for a specific stock to see how many people are planning on buying and selling and at what price.  This basically serves as an opinion poll on the stock’s expected performance.
9.     Always consider the amount of shares CEOs and other executives are buying and selling, to get an accurate picture of what is happening on the inside.
10.   It may be a good idea to watch stocks that are constantly in the news.  Stock prices will often reflect the investors’ perception of the stock, which shows the volatility.    
                                                                            ---- Ajith Bsc MBA

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

In the land of Bulls and Bears

In the land of Bulls and Bears knowing knowledge about how the transactions are made in stock market holds key for the survival of any trader, I hope this information will help in your stock strategies.......

Securities Transaction Tax (STT)

Equity Delivery Transactions
Purchase: 0.125% of Turnover i.e. (Number of Shares * Price)
Sell: 0.125% of Turnover i.e. (Number of Shares * Price)

Equity Intra-day Transactions
Purchase: NIL
Sell: 0.025% of Turnover i.e. (Number of Shares * Price)

Future Transactions
Purchase: NIL
Sell: 0.017% of Turnover i.e. (Number of Lots * Lot Size * Price)

Option Transactions
Purchase: NIL at the time of purchase of option. However the purchaser has to pay 0.125% of the Settlement Price i.e. (Number of Lots * Lot Size * Strike Price), in case of option exercise
Sell: 0.017% of Premium

Transaction Charges

Equity Delivery Transactions
Purchase: 0.0035% of turnover in NSE and 0.0034% of Turnover in BSE
Sell: 0.0035% of turnover in NSE and 0.0034% of Turnover in BSE

Equity Intra-day Transactions
Purchase: 0.0035% of Turnover in NSE and 0.0034% of Turnover in BSE
Sell: 0.0035% of Turnover in NSE and 0.0034% of Turnover in BSE

Future Transactions
Purchase: 0.002% of Turnover i.e. (Number of Lots * Lot Size * Price)
Sell: 0.002% of Turnover i.e. (Number of Lots * Lot Size * Price)

Option Transactions
Purchase: 0.05% of Premium
Sell: 0.05% of Premium

SEBI Turnover Charges

Equity Delivery Transactions
Purchase: NIL
Sell: NIL

Equity Intra-day Transactions
Purchase: NIL
Sell: NIL

Future Transactions
Purchase: 0.0002% of Turnover i.e. (Number of Lots * Lot Size * Price)
Sell: 0.0002% of Turnover i.e. (Number of Lots * Lot Size * Price)

Option Transactions
Purchase: 0.0002% of Premium
Sell: 0.0002% of Notional Value in case of exercise or assignment

Stamp Duty

Equity Delivery Transactions
Purchase: 0.01% of Turnover. Turnover usually taken in multiple of Rs 5000
Sell: 0.01% of Turnover. Turnover usually taken in multiple of Rs 5000

Equity Intra-day Transactions
Purchase: 0.002% of Turnover. Turnover usually taken in multiple of Rs 5000
Sell: 0.002% of Turnover. Turnover usually taken in multiple of Rs 5000

Future Transactions
Purchase: 0.002% of Turnover. Turnover usually taken in multiple of Rs 5000
Sell: 0.002% of Turnover. Turnover usually taken in multiple of Rs 5000

Option Transactions
Purchase: 0.002% of Premium
Sell: 0.002% of Notional Value in case of exercise or assignment

Service Tax

Service Tax, Surcharge and Education Cess are applicable on Brokerage, Transaction Charges, SEBI Turnover Charges and Stamp Duty. Note Service Tax, Surcharge and Education Cess are not applicable on Securities Transaction Tax (STT).

Monday, 12 April 2010

Intresting tips: Speed up your internet

Microsoft reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes like Windows Updates and interrogating your PC etc
You can get it back:
Click Start then Run and type “gpedit.msc” without quotes.This opens the group policy editor. Then go to:
Local Computer Policy
then Computer Configuration
then Administrative Templates then Network then QOS Packet Scheduler and then to Limit Reservable Bandwidth.
Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth. It will say it is not configured, but the truth is under the ‘Explain’ tab i.e.”By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default.”
So the trick is to ENABLE reservable bandwidth, then set it to ZERO. This will allow the system to reserve nothing, rather than the default 20%.It works on Win 2000 as well.

Increase the speed of your internet connection

As more and more people get quick connections to the internet, such as cable or ADSL, it becomes apparent to the user of a simple dial-up modem that the World Wide Web can quickly turn into the World Wide Wait. Here a trick that can help speed up your current modem without shelling out the big bucks.
There is a setting located in your windows registry called the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU). This determines the size of the packets of data sent between your and your server. In Windows 95, this setting is has a value of 1,500 bytes when the actual size of internet packets is 1,000 bytes. This can sometimes slow things down. To remedy the situation, simply follow these steps:
In the registry editor (Start > Run > regedit.exe), navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControl
Set\Services\Class\NetTrans. In the NetTrans folder you should find another folder named “000x” in which x represents a fourth digit. Right-click on the “000x” folder and select New and StringValue. Rename the item that appears in the panel on the right side to MaxMTU, then double-click it to bring up the Edit String box and give it a velue of 1002.Remember to keep playing with the MaxMTU value until you feel that your internet connection has greatly sped up. Some people report huge speed gains using this tricks, while others hardly notice a difference. In any case, it’s definetly worth a try.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Some useful technical websites

Hello guys !! Here is my comprehensive list of technical websites which may be useful for someway or the other!!!
Vuvox Create Stunning and interactive multimedia presentations
Blog Widgets Cross promote your blog on other websites with these professional looking widgets
ToonDoo Create Your Own Comic Strips
uLinx Search Video Clips from Popular Video Sharing Sites In One Place Download Youtube Videos as Quicktime Videos or MP3 Audio Files
Picnik The Best Online Image Editing Tool
Scribd Embed Docs, Excel Spreadsheets, PDFs as Flash Paper
Email Traceroute Plot your email trajectory on Google Maps
Pipl What Google Think about you - EgoSurfing
Gotuit SceneMaker Trim YouTube Videos and Share them
CircleUp Ask Questions, Get a consolidated reply
Blinx The Best Video Search Engine with News Clips, Video Podcasts.. Interesting Effects for your Digital Photographs
Photo Flicks Impressive Pictures Slideshows in Flash
Zoho Sheet Embed Excel Spreadsheet in Webpages
Flickr Leech Search and Download Images from Flickr quickly
Package Mapping Visually track shipments from FedEx/UPS/DHL on Google Maps
Visual DNA Share your personality with the world in pictures.
Kiss Youtube The easiest way to download Youtube Videos
Voice Books Invite friends to add voice narrations to your photographs
Qipit Convert a book excerpt or newspaper clipping into digital text
Zaptxt Google Alerts++, get updates on Skype, Mobile Phone, Email
LinkInABox Display your LinkedIn Profile on your blog.
Alexaholic Compare Alexa Rankings of multiple website at one place
MyPictr Create profile pictures and avatars of custom sizes in seconds
SlideRoll Flash Slideshows of Flickr Pictures
Review Basics Get feedback on your blog design, brochures, business cards, etc
ePost Real version of GMail Paper, Home delivery email
Rich Chart Live Create rich, animated Flash Charts online
Short Text Internet clipboard - Copy paste text across computers
IMIfied Interact with Google Calendar, Blogger, Remember the Milk, BaseCamp, TypePad via IM (Google Talk, MSN, Yahoo Messenger)
Text Analyzer Analyze your writing style, count words, paragraphs, word frequency, etc.
Feed43 Create RSS Feeds for any website
Files Upload Rapidshare on Steroids, Supports FTP, No limits
GigaSize Email large attachments without problems
Mozy Online Backup for your computer - set it, forget it
Room Visualizer Design the layout of your new room online
Google Docs Batch convert email messages or multiple documents to PDF
VideoJug, Instructables Learn something new everday through Pictures and Video Tutorials
Yahoo! Badges Add Live Stock Quotes and Market Charts to your website
JumpCut Free Online Video Editor - Mix videos, images and sounds
Zamzar Convert files from one format to another, get results by email

Monday, 8 March 2010

Investor's godfather Warren Buffett's Quotes

If there is any investor who you could look up to and use as a “role model,” Warren Buffett would be your man. He takes a simplified and long-term approach to investing; and he puts all of the Wall St. day-traders to shame. He is without a doubt one of the greatest investors of all time, and has been in the top 5 richest people for decades. When you hear him speak, he is likely to resemble your grandfather with his sincerity, down-to-earth nature, and wisdom from years of living.

His quotes are simply awe-inspiring, nerve-chilling, absolute mystic truth..... Only thing we have to do is to decipher it..... Let us start 1 2 3 4 5.................

A public opinion poll is no substitute for thought.

If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.

Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.

Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit from the folly rather than participate in it.

Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.

I don’t look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.

I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years.

If a business does well, the stock eventually follows.

In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.

It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.

Let blockheads read what blockheads wrote.

Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.

Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years.

Our favorite holding period is forever.

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

Risk is a part of God’s game, alike for men and nations.

Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.

The business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective.

The first rule is not to lose. The second rule is not to forget the first rule.

The investor of today does not profit from yesterday’s growth.

The only time to buy these is on a day with no “y” in it.

The smarter the journalists are, the better off society is. For to a degree, people read the press to inform themselves-and the better the teacher, the better the student body.

There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.

Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre.

We believe that according the name ‘investors’ to institutions that trade actively is like calling someone who repeatedly engages in one-night stands a ‘romantic.’

We enjoy the process far more than the proceeds.

We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.

When a management team with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact.

Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing.

You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.                                 

                                                                 -Ajith Bsc MBA

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Simple 5 Steps to becoming a trader

Step One: Unconscious Incompetence.

This is the first step you take when starting to look into trading. You know that its a
good way of making money because you've heard so many things about it and heard
of so many millionaires. Unfortunately, just like when you first desire to drive a car
you think it will be easy - after all, how hard can it be? Price either moves up or
down - what's the big secret to that then – let’s get cracking!
Unfortunately, just as when you first take your place in front of a steering wheel you
find very quickly that you haven't got the first clue about what you're trying to do.
You take lots of trades and lots of risks. When you enter a trade it turns against you
so you reverse and it turns again and again, and again.
You may have initial success, and thats even worse - cos it tells your brain that this
really is simple and you start to risk more money.
You try to turn around your losses by doubling up every time you trade. Sometimes
you'll get away with it but more often than not you will come away scathed and
bruised You are totally oblivious to your incompetence at trading.
This step can last for a week or two of trading but the market is usually swift and
you move on the next stage.

Step Two - Conscious Incompetence

Step two is where you realize that there is more work involved in trading and that
you might actually have to work a few things out. You consciously realize that you
are an incompetent trader - you don't have the skills or the insight to turn a regular
You now set about buying systems and e-books galore, read websites based
everywhere from USA to the Ukraine and begin your search for the holy grail. During
this time you will be a system nomad - you will flick from method to method day by
day and week by week never sticking with one long enough to actually see if it does
work. Every time you come upon a new indicator you'll be ecstatic that this is the
one that will make all the difference.
You will test out automated systems on Metatrader, you'll play with moving
averages, Fibonacci lines, support & resistance, Pivots, Fractals, Divergence, DMI,
ADX, and a hundred other things all in the vein hope that your 'magic system' starts
today. You'll be a top and bottom picker, trying to find the exact point of reversal
with your indicators and you'll find yourself chasing losing trades and even adding to
them because you are so sure you are right.
You'll go into the live chat room and see other traders making pips and you want to
know why it's not you - you'll ask a million questions, some of which are so dumb
that looking back you feel a bit silly. You'll then reach the point where you think all
the ones who are calling pips after pips are liars - they can’t be making that amount
because you've studied and you don't make that, you know as much as they do and
they must be lying. But they're in there day after day and their account just grows
whilst yours falls.
You will be like a teenager - the traders that make money will freely give you advice
but you're stubborn and think that you know best - you take no notice and overtrade
your account even though everyone says you are mad to - but you know better.
You'll consider following the calls that others make but even then it wont work so
you try paying for signals from someone else - they don't work for you either.
You might even approach a 'guru' like Rob Booker or someone on a chat board who
promises to make you into a trader (usually for a fee of course). Whether the guru is
good or not you won’t win because there is no replacement for screen time and you
still think you know best.
This step can last ages and ages - in fact in reality talking with other traders as well
as personal experience confirms that it can easily last well over a year and more
nearer 3 years. This is also the step when you are most likely to give up through
sheer frustration.
Around 60% of new traders die out in the first 3 months - they give up and this is
good - think about it - if trading was easy we would all be millionaires. another 20%
keep going for a year and then in desperation take risks guaranteed to blow their
account which of course it does.
What may suprise you is that of the remaining 20% all of them will last around 3
years - and they will think they are safe in the water - but even at 3 years only a
further 5-10% will continue and go on to actually make money consistently.
By the way - they are real figures, not just some I’ve picked out of my head - so
when you get to 3 years in the game don’t think its plain sailing from there.
I’ve had many people argue with me about these timescales - funny enough none of
them have been trading for more that 3 years - if you think you know better then
ask on a board for someone who's been trading 5 years and ask them how long it
takes to become fully 100% proficient. Sure i guess there will be exceptions to the
rle - but i havent met any yet.
Eventually you do begin to come out of this phase. You've probably committed more
time and money than you ever thought you would, lost 2 or 3 loaded accounts and
all but given up maybe 3 or 4 times but now its in your blood
One day – In a split second moment you will enter stage 3. 

Step 3 - The Eureka Moment

Towards the end of stage two you begin to realize that it's not the system that is
making the difference. You realize that its actually possible to make money with a
simple moving average and nothing else IF you can get your head and money
management right You start to read books on the psychology of trading and identify
with the characters portrayed in those books and finally comes the eureka moment.
This eureka moment causes a new connection to be made in your brain. You
suddenly realise that neither you, nor anyone else can accurately predict what the
market will do in the next ten seconds, never mind the next 20 mins.
Because of this revelation you stop taking any notice of what anyone thinks - what
this news item will do, and what that event will do to the markets. You become an
individual with your own method of trading
You start to work just one system that you mould to your own way of trading, you're
starting to get happy and you define your risk threshold.
You start to take every trade that your 'edge' shows has a good probability of
winning with. When the trade turns bad you don't get angry or even because you
know in your head that as you couldn't possibly predict it it isn't your fault - as soon
as you realise that the trade is bad you close it . The next trade or the one after it or
the one after that will have higher odds of success because you know your system
You stop looking at trading results from a trade-to-trade perspective and start to
look at weekly figures knowing that one bad trade does not a poor system make.
You have realised in an instant that the trading game is about one thing -
consistency of your 'edge' and your discipline to take all the trades no matter what
as you know the probabilities stack in your favour.
You learn about proper money management and leverage - risk of account etc etc -
and this time it actually soaks in and you think back to those who advised the same
thing a year ago with a smile. You weren't ready then, but you are now. The eureka
moment came the moment that you truly accepted that you cannot predict the

Step 4 - Conscious Competence

You are making trades whenever your system tells you to. You take losses just as
easily as you take wins You now let your winners run to their conclusion fully
accepting the risk and knowing that your system makes more money than it looses
and when you're on a loser you close it swiftly with little pain to your account
You are now at a point where you break even most of the time - day in day out, you
will have weeks where you make 100 pips and weeks where you lose 100 pips -
generally you are breaking even and not losing money. You are now conscious of the
fact that you are making calls that are generally good and you are getting respect
from other traders as you chat the day away. You still have to work at it and think
about your trades but as this continues you begin to make more money than you
lose consistently.
You'll start the day on a 20 pip win, take a 35 pip loss and have no feelings that
you've given those pips back because you know that it will come back again. You will
now begin to make consistent pips week in and week out 25 pips one week, 50 the
next and so on.
This lasts about 6 months .

Step Five - Unconscious Competence

Now we’re cooking - just like driving a car, every day you get in your seat and trade
- you do everything now on an unconscious level. You are running on autopilot. You
start to pick the really big trades and getting 200 pips in a day doesnt make you any
more excited that getting 1 pips.
You see the newbies in the forum shouting 'go dollar go' as if they are urging on a
horse to win in the grand national and you see yourself - but many years ago now.
This is trading utopia - you have mastered your emotions and you are now a trader
with a rapidly growing account.
You're a star in the trading chat room and people listen to what you say. You
recognise yourself in their questions from about two years ago. You pass on your
advice but you know most of it is futile because they're teenagers - some of them
will get to where you are - some will do it fast and others will be slower - literally
dozens and dozens will never get past stage two, but a few will.
Trading is no longer exciting - in fact it's probably boring you to bits - like everything
in life when you get good at it or do it for your job - it gets boring - you're doing
your job and that's that.
Finally you grow out of the chat rooms and find a few choice people who you
converse with about the markets without being influenced at all.
All the time you are honing your methods to extract the maximum profit from the
market without increasing risk. Your method of trading doesn’t change - it just gets
better - you now have what women call 'intuition'
You can now say with your head held high "I'm a currency trader" but to be honest
you don’t even bother telling anyone - it's a job like any other.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this journey into a traders mind and that hopefully
you’ve identified with some points in here.
Remember that only 5% will actually make it - but the reason for that isn’t ability, its
staying power and the ability to change your perceptions and paradigms as new
information comes available.
The losers are those who wanted to 'get rich quick' but approached the market and
within 6 months put on a pair of blinkers so they couldn’t see the obvious - a kind of
"this is the way i see it and thats that" scenario - refusing to assimilate new
information that changes that perception.
I’m happy to tell you that the reason i started trading was because of the 'get rich
quick' mindset. Just that now i see it as 'get rich slow'
If you’re thinking about giving up i have one piece of advice for you ....
Ask yourself the question "how many years would you go to college if you knew for a
fact that there was a million dollars a year job at the end of it?

Finally don't be complacent at any cost because the same MULTI-BILLION dollar may decimate you when you are least expecting the disaster......   Then what cheers!!!!!!!!