Sunday, 5 July 2009

Recession hits the indian dreams hard!!

Recession is no more related with commerce and corporate terms, it is just more than that affecting lifestyles, relationship etc... Aspiring students of prestigious institutions and studies are now unemployed. Inspirations are now turn in to frustrations. pupils whom are pursuing flashy gadgets or planning an expensive trip to pleasing destinations are just called off thanks to recession. The worst amongst the all is flirty relationships with neighbors and friends. Because money is one of the major constrains in maintaining the relationships, no longer love and affections are the key ingredients for a relationships.
We can just condoles for the people who lost their jobs, wages cut etc... But what it hurts more is whenever our our closest are affected by this scenario. pupil having brilliant academic records are now satisfied with low profile jobs. Making both ends will will be extremely difficult from there on.... Pupils who just completed their happy final years are now realizing the harsh reality of unemployment. Their dream of getting high profile jobs are getting diminishing day by day. These pupils turns peoples are now facing stiff competition against "lay-offed" veterans. May their dreams will be rejuvenated and revived by the end of the next fiscal year(expected) . Right now optimism is alarmingly low.

The rise of difficulty:
Legalizing LGBT's rights(so called), hiked oil prices, rising unemployment rates, low GDP growth, cross border terrorism, dubious weather, unhealthy political practices makes the life in India very hard. Now only the fittest of the survival only survive!